Rosie Glow Wellness

Mind body health for the deeply fabulous

2:79 A Lot Going On at the Moment



Clutter buddies. Where to begin?

Beautiful readers, I’m alive! Despite my recurring nightmare in which I’m buried —  stockinged legs wiggling a la the Wicked Witch of the West Side — beneath a house comprised of pungent gym clothes; unclaimed 1098 tax forms; and a self-perpetuating loop of “urgent” emails read aloud by a sneering Mo Rocca (I still love you, Mo Rocca), here I am… mouth-breathing on account of my stymied sinuses, meditating on public transit on account of my forever-humming low grade anxiety, and gorging myself on coconut-ash and banana super dark chocolate on account of… it’s delicious. Plus pictured above: post-beach volleyball in a vintage Armani skirt, rum punch in hand, because #typical and below: dressing up like a nun amidst all of the 18% Irish sinners at the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day parade while acknowledging the inherent irony therein.

Bless this mess. Amen.

Bless this mess. Amen.

I haven’t been writing. Not really. I’ve long suffered from Overachievers Disease, and true to character, I’ve lately been too focused on squeezing extra freelance/volunteer/performance opportunities into my days to make time for Free Form Fun (FFF). I know I think I hope this degree of regimented entropy is fleeting. It has to be. Since, as you know by now, I’m not Rose as I know her if I’m not making something.

Though I’m struggling a bit at present, I’m aware of my position as a cog in the machine of faux-indispensability. When I first read Tim Kreider’s The ‘Busy’ Trap in 2012, I thought he was simultaneously a genius and a smug asshole (the Kanye of The New York Times, if you will), but I’ve come to recognize his gospel — e.g.  “if your job wasn’t performed by a cat or a boa constrictor in a Richard Scarry book I’m not sure I believe it’s necessary…” as common sense. No one will perish if I don’t hit publish; if I don’t manage to send out a press release this instant, or I deploy a typo out into the ether… Likewise, no near-victim will be resuscitated by the stellar click-through rates of my latest email campaign. Because I’m not actually that important, and pretending to be that important doesn’t save me any time or energy. Pretending to be that important doesn’t save anyone or anything at all.

Wisdom saves, though. You can trust me. I’m a nun sometimes. And anyway, I’m talking about the wisdom that comes with realizing that you are just a person and all that really matters in terms of what you do with your life is whether or not you make yourself happy. Here, I mean the work that lights up your soul and exposes all that glitters for you to the world at large; whether through collage or journaling or quality conversation.  I mean the work that you may even simultaneously take pride in and get paid for (magic). The work that doesn’t matter is the work that feels like work; the aforementioned faux-indispensability — that highly contagious, unintentionally pompous mania that you caught from another cog who was just trying to carry out another cog’s boss’s vision, and so on and so forth up and down and around the ladder. Unfortunately, not everyone is as enlightened as you, and rather than fall ill to another’s malady of delusion, you just have to hold your nose and wash your hands clean of those highly evolved mutant spores — those squirming antibodies of discontent — and keep doing your thing. Because your thing, of all things, is the thing that counts.

What’s your thing? Have you been sticking to it, or are you too bogged down in your “more pressing” matters? Newsflash, BB: nothing is more pressing than doing what you love, and doing it often.


Author: twitchysister

Hey you! is largely devoted to musings on what balance means to an urbane, artsy-fartsy twenty-something. It’s tough out here for us post-grad women: if you’re not homeless, you’re doing something right. But do you, too, worry that you spend too much time furrowing your brows over your future when you should be unwrapping and relishing your present? Do you, like me, sometimes feel like everyone expects you to be the type of person who spends the majority of her entry-level “arts” paycheck on fifteen dollar old-timey cocktails, four a.m. cab rides home and everything sequined on the Urban Outfitters sale rack when, perhaps, you are really the type of person who would rather drink cucumber mint kale juice while wearing yoga pants and Googling reiki techniques? Is it possible that such a person is one and the same, and she is fabulous in her own, very confused right? Sister girl, I hear you. I know you. I accept you. I also know in my happy gut, full heart and coffee-addled brain that you and I are gorgeous glow worms, just as we are! We are sparkle ponies of light and love and we are still in the process of teasing out our true, authentic selves with all of this… living. So if you don’t have it figured out, if you acknowledge that you never will and that is tremendously exciting, if you want to connect with other smart chicks and tap into that charming inner-self of yours, then come back real soon, ya hear? We’re family now!

8 thoughts on “2:79 A Lot Going On at the Moment

  1. Just talking about the overachiever gene with my dad the other day. Actually we talk about it a lot because who knows you better than family? And you and I, girl. We burn ourselves out. I have so much going on right now and a lot of it I can’t blog about so that’s awkward. But the best part was my dad was telling me about the conference they had for Ava’s preschool and how they got a good report. And I said, well hopefully she will be like me and not like joe when it comes to school. And my dad, quick as a lick, just says, “Actually, I hope she is in between you two because Nina, there is a happy medium. You don’t need to kill yourself like you did.” Yup and yup.

  2. That’s so interesting re: Ava! It irks me to this day how futile all my suffering was 🙂 She’ll learn to chill out, one way or another!

    And ayyyyyyyyy I can’t talk about anything I want to talk about on the internet right now, and it’s eating at me. Miss this thing! I understand.

  3. I can completely relate. I feel like they’re going to just hire me at New Wave for all the hours I’ve spent there, trying to force myself to write. Sometimes it comes, sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes I’m just happy they’re playing Beyonce.
    Keeping myself super busy takes the good and the bad, but I think my most productive time was spent alone at the Art Institute, just walking around and writing for three hours. Sometimes the quiet inaction is really great!
    Thanks, Rose!

  4. Right?! Downtime is SO NECESSARY! Love New Wave 🙂 I need to imitate you and have some solo me time wandering a museum in the near future – it’s been awhile!

    • You know, I appreciate the sentiment that “the work that doesn’t matter is the work that feels like work,” but all of a sudden I’m doing what I want to be doing for a living (mostly) and what I used to do for fun feels like work. When I was working a day job that didn’t matter, I would practice and sing all day when I had a day off. Now when I have a day off, the last thing I want to think about is music. Interesting.

      But it’s also hard to complain, since I’m getting paid to sing and play dress up.

  5. 🙂 valid, anne! more than even enjoying your work, i’m trying to talk about not getting wrapped up in all of the WE’RE SO IMPORTANT craziness and stress and drama that comes with a more typical day job, or a volunteer job, or whatever. but super interesting, nonetheless.

    • Ooh yes, that makes sense too. Day jobs tend not to understand that you have a life outside your day job. That’s what’s made it difficult for me to get day jobs, because a lot of people don’t get that even if I were working a full-time job I would be pursuing singing at the same time.

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